The Lost Hilt of the Scabbard of Kaliespis… Part 1


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Part 1

Legend tells the story of a great warrior of days gone by.  Stories passed down through generations, now, are only stories.  Some call them pure fiction based on wild imagination when winters were long and indoor activities were few.  However, others believe they are based on truth.  Such is the case of the Lost Hilt of the Scabbard of Kaliespis.

Mika sat mesmerized as his grandfather recounted the story of the Lost Hilt.  In his mind, he could picture the sword fights and the blood, decapitations, and thrusts from the infamous weapon as it sliced and diced through the enemy of the Kaliespis tribe of Shear.  

Mika loved the sound of his grandfather’s deep, melancholic voice.  He was always disappointed to wake up the next morning having fallen asleep during the story.  Though he knew the story well he never tired of it.

Now, Mika, an over-enthusiastic young lad of 11 years, would often play down in the gully near his home and pretend he was one of the warriors of the Kaliespis tribe of Shear.  With the perfect stick in hand, he would thoroughly thrash the bushes and trees with his overwhelming skills in swordsmanship.  In his mind, he too one day would wield the infamous sword.

On such a day as this Mika was tired after an intensely fought battle.  Against the shaded, shear bank of clay that made up one wall of the gully, Mika sought his rest.  He found that if he dug out some of the walls that the clay was cool and comforting.  This was especially attractive after annihilating and dismembering so many of his dreaded foe on this hot summer day.

As he leaned back against the wall he was aware of a distinct discomfort pressing rather obtusely upon his left shoulder.  He turned and with some effort, he managed to dig out the offending clay-encrusted clump, using his trusty sword (stick), and lay it down before him.  “What the heck is this?” he wondered aloud.  Poking and picking away the clay Mika gasped at what he held in his hands.  Running down to the very bottom of the gully Mika found a small puddle of water left over from the last rain.  He thrust his prize into the water and feverishly rubbed it clean.  Holding it up in front of him he exclaimed, “no way!”

To Be Continued

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